Sunday, October 4, 2009

Summertime Pet Tips

Summertime Pet Tips


Summer is here and the heat and humidity can caemploy problems for your pet. Don’t you ever wonder how they survive these sultry summers with a full coat of hair? The following are a few guidelines that should hfeeble your pets chilly , comfortable and healthy.

Cool It!â€"Keep your pet chilly with plenty of water and shade. Pets have been known to overheat themselves and acquire dehydrated. Dogs especially recede out of their way to please their owners even if it means race ning themselves into a heatstroke. Consider execute ing heavy exercising during the chilly er hours of the day and pay attention for any excessive panting, limping or whining. If you suspect that your pet is suffering from overheat, hose his belly, back, neck and mouth with chilly water and hold him to the vet.

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Bug Off!â€"Summer approach s with its price: fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. These parasites are carriers of heartworm and tapeworm. Make sure you acquire your entire hoemploy hfeeble involved in some sort of parasite prevention. Parasites are repelled by the aroma of essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint. This should be for execute gs only becaemploy cats are sensitive to essential oils.

Sun tan lotion

Coppertone Pet
â€"And who said that pets can’t acquire sunburn? Pets are also vulnerable to sunburn, and skin cancer, especially in their less hairy areas. Also watch out for hairless pets and pets that are light colored. Apply a natural sunscreen made for pets if you know that your pet will be exposed to the sun.

Beauty Shopâ€"Summer is when owners should focus the most on grooming, to hfeeble your pets’ coats chilly , clean and bugless. Long tangled hair traps heat, and matted fur create s your pet more vulnerable to the festering of bacteria fungusâ€"and, of course, the enemy flea and tick. Keep your pet well groomed and you’ll be one step ahead of the game!


Fountain of Youthâ€"Be sure your cat has enough water, even if she’s an inside pet. Cats are prone to urinary tract problems if they are not drinking enough water. Want to be sure they will drink. Get your cat a fountain with constant race ning water. They can pretfinish they are out in the wilderness drinking from a rushing stream!

August 4th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Tips & Tricks | one comment

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