Thursday, October 1, 2009

How to Restore Digestive Health with HSO’s

How to Restore Digestive Health with HSO’s

HSOs or homeostatic soil organisms, are recede od beneficial bacteria (probiotics) that optimize digestion and immune function.

* HSOs are now employ d by health care practitioners worldwide.

* HSOs originated from non-mutated colonies found in unpolluted soil and plot ts. Now they are cultivated in US laboratories using proprietary methods.

* HSOs optimize the digestive terrain and immune function as they go through the digestive tract and form colonies along the intestinal walls.

* HSOs multiply as they execute so, and thus compete with harmful organisms i.e. pathogenic bacteria, viremploy s, parasites, and fungal forms for receptor sites. They crowd out these harmful organisms while establishing themselves throughout the digestive tract.

* HSOs soon establish themselves in the intestinal tract and unhurried ly produce the correct environment for nutrient absorption. This leads to a balanced pH, a very necessary aspect of a healthy digestive tract.

* HSOs work from the inside of the intestines dislodging accumulated decay on the walls and flushing out the waste.

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August 13th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health, Human Health | no comments

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