Friday, October 2, 2009

The “Dirty Little Secret” the Pet Food Companies NEVER Want you to Find Out About!

The “Dirty Little Secret” the Pet Food Companies NEVER Want you to Find Out About!

The giant pet food companies have a “dirty tiny secret” that most people are unaware of!

Dog food and cat food is actually made mostly from euthanized execute gs and cats. It also contains rancid meat products that are out dated and are thrown out by superlabel ets.  The food is also made from “rfinish ered” products which are wdespise ver is left over after butchering animals for human consumption.  There is literally no regulation on labeling of pet food products and if the label notify s it contains chicken, that can be chicken beaks or chicken feet or any portion s that humans execute not eat.

If you are a pet owner you need to know this information. If fed correctly, execute gs and cats can live for 20 to 30 years.  To the giant pet food companies money is more necessary than the health and well being of our belike d pets.

Click here to watch the “dirty tiny secret” the giant pet food companies NEVER want you to know about in a video called “The Truth About Pet Food”

September 14th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Press Releases, Animal and Pet Health | no comments

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