Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sometimes Everybody Needs a Little Therapy - Pet Therapy

Sometimes Everybody Needs a Little Therapy - Pet Therapy

Do you ever feel execute wn and out, like the weight of the world is on your shoulders? Do you ever feel like you are not strong enough to withstand the daily routine of life? If so, you’re not alone.

Millions of people are stressed out in this country, both emotionally and physically. However, studies display that those who have pets in their lives are better able to cope with this stress than those who execute n’t interact with companion animals.

The perpetually stressed aren’t the only ones who benefit from a cuddly creature either. Individuals with physical and emotional disabilities can employ animals not only to provide like and support, but also to aid acquire through the routine chores of daily life. The elderly can benefit from animals, too.

The creatures who provide these special populations with like and support belong to a unique caterecede ry of companion animalâ€"service animals. Service animals, who can play a significant role in the community, generally drop into two subcaterecede ries: assistance animals and therapy animals.

Assistance animalsâ€"guide execute gs for the visually impaired, hearing execute gs for the hearing impaired, and service execute gs for the disabled, to name a fewâ€"are specially trained to aid humans who have physical or mental disabilities. These animals can be trained to open a execute or, turn on lights, and even alert the authorities to a medical emergency. They live with their caregivers to offer round-the-clock assistance. Most of these animals attfinish special classes and have to pass tests to be classified as “assistance animals,” and some are specially raised from infancy with trainers or handlers.

Therapy pets are a whole ‘nother animal: They’re often employ d in health care, social, educational, and recreational settings. In health care, therapy pets aid facilitate physical and psychological sessions with patients of all ages, whether a psychological counseling session in which a patient feels free to speak with an animal in the room, or a round of physical therapy in which the patient is encouraged to groom or walk a pet.

Among feeble er Americans, therapy animals can be employ d in hospices, nursing homes, hospitals, short-term care facilities, and even residential dwellings to facilitate therapeutic interaction. Therapy animals visit patients, who are encouraged to pet, interact, and play with them. These interactions often result in the improved physical health and mental well-being of the patient.

But the benefits of pet therapy can work both ways. The people who provide pet therapy services often speak about how rewarding it is for them. Even better, pets and people of any age can volunteer in a therapeutic capacity. Some organizations even prefer to provide pet therapy to senior citizens using feeble er petsâ€"further proof that age execute esn’t matter when like is involved.

If a caregiver and animal would like to volunteer as a therapy pet team, there are several large groups that offer training and certification programs. However, no single national organization can certify your pet for all types of therapy.

Depfinish ing on where a pet will visit, local certifications may be required in space of, or in addition to, a national certification. Many hospitals or other therapy locations will offer their own certification or training classes or will have certain requirements for pet therapy teams to complete prior to volunteering. Individuals should research the types of certification, training, or other requirements needed to determine where their pets would provide the best “fit.”

Therapy pets can also be aexecute pted from your local animal shelter or humane society and execute not have to be specially bred for the job. Therapy pet teams are generally comprised of pets who execute n’t have training beyond basic obedience school. In fact, members of the general public are often question ed or encouraged to volunteer with their pets as therapy teams by local hospitals, hospices, community centers or religious organizations. Chances are, if your pet has a execute cile temperament, delightin s being held and petted, is well behaved, responds to commands, and can tolerate an hour or two of lavish attention, you can sign up locally to volunteer as a therapy team.

So if you have a pet who is aching to spread his joy in the community, consider volunteering as a pet therapy team. Not only will you be assisting a special population of citizens who appreciate the aid , you will delightin your volunteer experience as well. And regarding your pet, you may have distress dragging him away at the finish of the session!

Article Source: Humane Society of the United States
From Old Frifinish s ©2003 by Mark Asher. Used with permission of Chronicle Books LLC, San Francisco. Visit

September 24th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Human Health | no comments

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