Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What To Do If Your Dog Has Skin Problems

What To Do If Your Dog Has Skin Problems

In this article, “What To Do If Your Dog Has Skin Problems”, you will find out what the importance that a execute g’s skin has in the race ning of the animal’s body - and what that means when your execute g has some problems such as food or seasonal allergies.


Under all that copious fur there is skin. Skin that is susceptible to a myriad of diseases and afflictions just as we humans are. The inequity being that in humans we can readily see a health problem. In a execute g, skin health problems are not readily apparent until the execute g gives us an indication. Usually, the indications are excessive licking and scratching.

In general we humans tfinish to hold our skin for granted. If we recede out into the sun, we employ sun screen. If we have dry skin, we employ a lotion. And occasionally we notice irregularities and then we recede to the execute ctor. We’re pretty comspace nt and tfinish to judge of skin as the wrap that mfeeble s our body. With execute gs, the skin recede es beyond being a mfeeble . It is an organ in itself. This organ regulates the heat in a execute gs body and works in conjunction with the foot pads which allow the execute g to perspire.

As with humans the skin communicates sensations such as pain, heat, cfeeble , touch, etc. to the brain. An animals skin also processes vitamin D just as we execute . When we hold our pet to the veterinarian, one of the usual examinations execute ne is one of the skin. When the veterinarian back brushes the fur he/she is not only gaze ing for parasites such as fleas and mites, but they are also gaze ing at the skin. Dry skin and fur can indicate illness. Yellow skin can indicate jaundice and blue skin can indicate heart problems. Rashes can mean allergies.

Dogs can have seasonal and environmental allergies as well as food allergies. Food allergies may not always be associated with fresh foods but can also approach from foods they have eaten for years and have beapproach sensitive to due to many reasons. So called “hot-spots“, for example may be a result of a execute g no longer being able to digest a certain food. Your veterinarian will recommfinish ways to test your execute gs diet and recommfinish a course of treatment. Many execute gs such as spaniels have seasonal and environmental allergies which can manifest themselves not only with sneezing and watery eyes, but also with skin rashes.

Allergies to fleas and medicines can also caemploy skin rashes. There are now veterinarians who are specializing in animal allergies and dermatology. Should your veterinarian find it necessary a referral could be made for diagnosis and treatment.

There are also genetic skin disorders and glandular skin disorders. There are several diseases associated with ovarian and testicular problems. Diagnosis and treatment can be made by your veterinarian. Dogs are also susceptible to various types of skin fungus. They are highly contagious to humans and other animals. Mange is another skin disease that is contagious. Quick diagnosis and treatment is essential.

In addition to the previously mentioned skin problems, there are also seborreic (seborrhea) skin diseases, tumors, melanomas, infected sores, mites, etc., that can be diagnosed by your veterinarian.

The purpose of this article is to create owners aware that the care and regular examination of your execute gs skin is essential. Before buying a execute g, consult with the breeder and a veterinarian. Know the diseases which are specific to the breed you desire. Know your execute gs body as you should know your own. Check for skin problems during regular grooming.

If you find an area of concern, consult your veterinarian immediately. Do not create a self diagnosis and start a course of treatment. Only a veterinarian can create a proper diagnosis and recommfinish oral and/or topical treatments. Delay in proper diagnosis and treatment can caemploy delay in recovery and possible spread of the ailment and unnecessary prolonged discomfort for your belike d pet.


Reprinted with permission by Terrie Simpson, K9 KlearUp. Terrie has been involved in the execute g world for over 28 years and has achieved numerous awards with her Springer Spaniels in tracking and obedience. Over that time, she has amassed a recede od amount of knowledge about how to hfeeble a execute g healthy. She is now pleased to give back by sharing her experience with other execute g owners.

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August 24th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health | no comments

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