Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dung (Stool) Eating

Dung (Stool) Eating

What is dung eating? In simple terms, it is when your execute g is eating his own stools or the stools from other animals.

The caemploy is hard for humans to understand, but many execute gs eat dung as a matter of course. Mother execute gs eat the stools of their puppies in order to hfeeble the nest clean and, in the wild, to prevent predators from homing in on the smell. And some execute gs may simply like the taste!

Veterinarians aren’t sure why some execute gs eat dung all the time while others never seem to develop a taste for it. Cats rarely eat dung. They execute know that some execute gs eat stools becaemploy they are not acquire ting all the nutrients they need from their regular food. In addition, specialists in Chinese veterinary medicine suspect that dung eating may be a symptom of “stomach fire,” a condition in which there is an imbalance of energy between the liver, spleen, and stomach.

Dung eating isn’t denrage ous, although execute gs that indulge are more likely to acquire worms than those that execute n’t. But it is an unpleasant habit, to notify the least.

Here are a few ways to aid your execute g turn his appetite to more wholesome things.

Cook naturally: Some commercial pet foods are nutritious and well-balanced, but others are made with inferior ingredients that aren’t easily absorbed by the body. When your execute g isn’t acquire ting all the nutrients he needs from his food bowl, he is recede ing to forage elsewhere. One of the best ways to cease dung eating is to give execute gs a high-quality diet consisting of fresh meats, fruits and veacquire ables. If you cannot feed your pet raw for any reason, we recommfinish Life’s Abundance.

Give him a supplement: Every execute g digests his food differently, which means that even high-quality foods execute n’t always provide all the nutrients execute gs need. This is why it is a recede od thought to give your execute g vitamin and mineral supplements made for pets. One supplement, called Advanced Daily Nutritional Supplement by HealthyPetNet, provides a number of essential nutrients that can aid reduce a execute g’s desire for dung. Giving your execute g a digestive enzyme can also reduce dung eating by aid ing your execute g digest his food more completely. Simply follow the directions on the label.

Keep him active: Dogs will occasionally eat dung merely as a way of passing the time. Keeping your execute g busy by giving him fun toys to play with, for example, and by taking him for extra walks will create him less likely to seek other less-tasteful sources of amemploy ment.

Add Aexecute lph’s meat tfinish erizer: Aexecute lph’s meat tfinish erizer contains an enzyme that may improve digestion and give stools a taste execute gs find objectionable. Dogs under 15 pounds can hold one-quarter teaspoon of Aexecute lph’s with every meal.

Give execute gs 15 to 30 pounds one-half teaspoon. Dogs weighing 31 to 50 pounds can hold three-quarters teaspoon, and execute gs over 50 pounds can hold one teaspoon.

August 26th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Articles - Pets | no comments

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