Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Caemploy s Dog Dermatitis & How to Help Your Hurting Hound

What Caemploy s Dog Dermatitis & How to Help Your Hurting Hound

In this article, I’ll explore the caemploy s of execute g dermatits and suggest how to best aid your execute g from this annoying & irritating condition.


There are a lot of diseases that execute gs are prone to and one of them is the inwell-known itching problem known as execute g dermatitis. Dermatitis is basically the general term employ d to portray transient or chronic itching in execute gs that caemploy s not only their coats to beapproach flaky, scaly, and painful but can also affect the overall health of the execute g entirely. Since dermatitis is a general term, there are different types of the disease which could either be transient (short-term and can be treated) or chronic (long term and can be stout al to the execute g) in nature. If you’ve noticed your own execute g scratching and biting off bits of his or her fur incessantly, it could be a case of canine dermatitis, which means you should hold him or her to your local veterinarian for medications and treatments to cure the skin disease.

Caemploy s

To better understand the nature of execute g dermatitis, it is necessary that you know what factors can caemploy this skin disease in many execute gs. In truth, the caemploy s can vary from mere sunburns and flea bites to actual skin cancers and diseases for execute gs. In most cases, the most common caemploy s of execute g dermatitis include allergies, irritating substances, seborrhea, reactions to drugs or toxins, fungi, bacterial, and parasitical infections, evil reactions to certain kinds of food, and the like. Another factor could be the execute g’s breed as some are more prone to such skin infections.


As mentioned previously, there are different kinds or types of execute g dermatitis, each with their own set of characteristics and symptoms that create them identifiable. Here are some of the most common:

- Canine atopy: this is a very common caemploy of chronic itching in most execute gs and is caemploy d by an allergic reaction to substances in the environment, especially in grassy areas. This also affects mostly execute gs between one and five years and that have a weak immune system to resist such substances. Atopy can be identified if the execute g itches and scratches a lot, especially in the face and feet that caemploy s skin to beapproach red, moist, and irritated.

- Pyotraumatic dermatitis: usually known or referred to as a “hot spot”, this kind of execute g dermatitis is usually identified with a red, moist, hairless, and painful sore on the execute g’s body that appears suddenly. This kind of skin infection is usually common among execute g breeds like Gfeeble en retrievers, German shepherds, and Bernese mountain execute gs that have thick coats and long hair. Pyotraumatic dermatitis develops when the execute g licks and scratches his or her skin raw becaemploy of something that caemploy s such irritation.

- Contact dermatitis: this is a execute g skin disorder that usually develops due to direct contact with certain materials such as fertilizers, flea collars, carpet cleaners, or other corrosive substances employ d in cleaning the home. It also occurs to execute gs that are overly sensitive to a portion icular substance that is normally not an irritant. It can caemploy itchy red skin in the portion s of the execute g’s body that has been exposed to the irritant.


As previously mentioned, as soon as you suspect your execute g has dermatitis, you should bring your execute g to the vet and seek immediate treatment. I also recommfinish you consider purchasing specialized balms that aid relieve execute g dermatitis. There are a variety out there but one of the most effective ones I’ve ever seen contains the Mayan traditional herb Tepezcohuite.


Branexecute n Roe is the developer of K9 KlearUp, the world’s only all-natural execute g balm that aid s clear up the 17 most common canine skin and coat problems… Guaranteed or your money back.

Signup today for Branexecute n’s weekly K9Kourier fresh sletter and acquire all the best from the canine world sent correct to your inbox.  Signup here today and receive a special free gift.

September 11th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health | no comments

The “Dirty Little Secret” the Pet Food Companies NEVER Want you to Find Out About!

The “Dirty Little Secret” the Pet Food Companies NEVER Want you to Find Out About!

The giant pet food companies have a “dirty tiny secret” that most people are unaware of!

Dog food and cat food is actually made mostly from euthanized execute gs and cats. It also contains rancid meat products that are out dated and are thrown out by superlabel ets.  The food is also made from “rfinish ered” products which are wdespise ver is left over after butchering animals for human consumption.  There is literally no regulation on labeling of pet food products and if the label notify s it contains chicken, that can be chicken beaks or chicken feet or any portion s that humans execute not eat.

If you are a pet owner you need to know this information. If fed correctly, execute gs and cats can live for 20 to 30 years.  To the giant pet food companies money is more necessary than the health and well being of our belike d pets.

Click here to watch the “dirty tiny secret” the giant pet food companies NEVER want you to know about in a video called “The Truth About Pet Food”

September 14th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Press Releases, Animal and Pet Health | no comments

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Caemploy s Dog Dermatitis & How to Help Your Hurting Hound

What Caemploy s Dog Dermatitis & How to Help Your Hurting Hound

In this article, I’ll explore the caemploy s of execute g dermatits and suggest how to best aid your execute g from this annoying & irritating condition.


There are a lot of diseases that execute gs are prone to and one of them is the inwell-known itching problem known as execute g dermatitis. Dermatitis is basically the general term employ d to portray transient or chronic itching in execute gs that caemploy s not only their coats to beapproach flaky, scaly, and painful but can also affect the overall health of the execute g entirely. Since dermatitis is a general term, there are different types of the disease which could either be transient (short-term and can be treated) or chronic (long term and can be stout al to the execute g) in nature. If you’ve noticed your own execute g scratching and biting off bits of his or her fur incessantly, it could be a case of canine dermatitis, which means you should hold him or her to your local veterinarian for medications and treatments to cure the skin disease.

Caemploy s

To better understand the nature of execute g dermatitis, it is necessary that you know what factors can caemploy this skin disease in many execute gs. In truth, the caemploy s can vary from mere sunburns and flea bites to actual skin cancers and diseases for execute gs. In most cases, the most common caemploy s of execute g dermatitis include allergies, irritating substances, seborrhea, reactions to drugs or toxins, fungi, bacterial, and parasitical infections, evil reactions to certain kinds of food, and the like. Another factor could be the execute g’s breed as some are more prone to such skin infections.


As mentioned previously, there are different kinds or types of execute g dermatitis, each with their own set of characteristics and symptoms that create them identifiable. Here are some of the most common:

- Canine atopy: this is a very common caemploy of chronic itching in most execute gs and is caemploy d by an allergic reaction to substances in the environment, especially in grassy areas. This also affects mostly execute gs between one and five years and that have a weak immune system to resist such substances. Atopy can be identified if the execute g itches and scratches a lot, especially in the face and feet that caemploy s skin to beapproach red, moist, and irritated.

- Pyotraumatic dermatitis: usually known or referred to as a “hot spot”, this kind of execute g dermatitis is usually identified with a red, moist, hairless, and painful sore on the execute g’s body that appears suddenly. This kind of skin infection is usually common among execute g breeds like Gfeeble en retrievers, German shepherds, and Bernese mountain execute gs that have thick coats and long hair. Pyotraumatic dermatitis develops when the execute g licks and scratches his or her skin raw becaemploy of something that caemploy s such irritation.

- Contact dermatitis: this is a execute g skin disorder that usually develops due to direct contact with certain materials such as fertilizers, flea collars, carpet cleaners, or other corrosive substances employ d in cleaning the home. It also occurs to execute gs that are overly sensitive to a portion icular substance that is normally not an irritant. It can caemploy itchy red skin in the portion s of the execute g’s body that has been exposed to the irritant.


As previously mentioned, as soon as you suspect your execute g has dermatitis, you should bring your execute g to the vet and seek immediate treatment. I also recommfinish you consider purchasing specialized balms that aid relieve execute g dermatitis. There are a variety out there but one of the most effective ones I’ve ever seen contains the Mayan traditional herb Tepezcohuite.


Branexecute n Roe is the developer of K9 KlearUp, the world’s only all-natural execute g balm that aid s clear up the 17 most common canine skin and coat problems… Guaranteed or your money back.

Signup today for Branexecute n’s weekly K9Kourier fresh sletter and acquire all the best from the canine world sent correct to your inbox.  Signup here today and receive a special free gift.

September 11th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health | no comments

The “Dirty Little Secret” the Pet Food Companies NEVER Want you to Find Out About!

The “Dirty Little Secret” the Pet Food Companies NEVER Want you to Find Out About!

The giant pet food companies have a “dirty tiny secret” that most people are unaware of!

Dog food and cat food is actually made mostly from euthanized execute gs and cats. It also contains rancid meat products that are out dated and are thrown out by superlabel ets.  The food is also made from “rfinish ered” products which are wdespise ver is left over after butchering animals for human consumption.  There is literally no regulation on labeling of pet food products and if the label notify s it contains chicken, that can be chicken beaks or chicken feet or any portion s that humans execute not eat.

If you are a pet owner you need to know this information. If fed correctly, execute gs and cats can live for 20 to 30 years.  To the giant pet food companies money is more necessary than the health and well being of our belike d pets.

Click here to watch the “dirty tiny secret” the giant pet food companies NEVER want you to know about in a video called “The Truth About Pet Food”

September 14th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Press Releases, Animal and Pet Health | no comments

Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part I)

Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part I)

In this article, “Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part I)”, we will gaze at common hoemploy hfeeble emergencies that you may face in the course of owning a execute g and how to solve/deal with these problems.


Have you ever heard of a situation of a stressed person trying to figure out how to dial 911? Believe me it happens. We had a medical emergency at our home and I had question ed my husband to call 911. He was so stressed. I was listening for him to talk, and all I heard was paper rustling. He was gaze ing in the phone book, trying to acquire the number for 911. Keep a list of emergency numbers by your telephone, preferably one that not only includes your veterinarians name and phone number, but also the name and phone number of an emergency animal hospital, plus your own name, address, and phone number.

Over the next couple of articles I will attempt to give a tiny insight to some common situations. You will find just as you did with the First Aid Kit, that there are a lot of similarities between animal and human needs. I must stress that the articles are just meant to be aid ful just as taking a First Aid class is meant to be aid ful. Never self diagnose your pet, consult a veterinarian. Hopefully, these article can aid until you can acquire professional treatment.

The concept of First Aid means: emergency car and treatment of an injured or ill patient until proper medical treatment is obtained. It may be critical to go the patient from further injury, but try not to create the situation worse (”DO NO HARM”). First Aid should never hold the space of professional advice and care.

The first tool you will need is common sense. Remember, your pet cannot communicate to you the full nature of the injury or illness. Realize that your pet is probably recede ing to be upset and fcorrect ened. Determine whether or not you will have to muzzle your pet. Take stock of the situation, and determine what equipment and aid you will need. Relax yourself. Your being upset will only further upset your pet. Take a deep breath and talk silent ly and softly to the injured pet. Use basic psychology. It works for pets as well. Treat your pet just as you would like to be treated in the same situation. You will accomplish more than you would expect. This will aid your pet, yourself, and your veterinarian. Once you have conversed with a veterinarian and have determine d to transport the pet to the hospital if necessary, DRIVE SAFELY! If a muzzle is necessary, one can be created from a belt, a necktie, or gauze. Wrap the gauze around the muzzle, cross the strips under the chin and then bring the gauze around the neck and tie it behind the ears. This will prevent the execute g from biting you if it is upset. Small animals can be restrained in a blanket. Blankets can also be employ d to go an injured animal off the road. They can also be employ d warm and comfort an animal that is possibly recede ing into shock. So, lets start :

ALLERGIES -if you suspect allergies becaemploy the animal has hives, has swelling of the face or ears, vomiting or diarrhea, respiratory problems you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Some common allergies are spider bites, wasp or bee stings, foods, fleas, cedar, drugs such as penicillin or sulpha drugs. Keep your pet from biting or scratching itself, which may caemploy further problems such as infection. It’s easier said than execute ne.

ANAPHYLAXIS -this is a severe life threatening allergic reaction. In some cases not only will there be respiratory failure but also internal bleeding. This requires immediate veterinary treatment. Keep the pet warm and relaxed until you acquire there.

BURNS -It is rare that a execute g acquire s burned accidentally by fire. Most common injuries are from drop ing into hot water, or having hot water or grease spilled on the animal. Pets can also acquire burns in the throat or esophagus from trying to eat hot foods that may have been dropped in the kitchen. All of these situations require veterinary care. Keep the pet relaxed in a clean spot until you acquire to the veterinarian.

BITE WOUNDS -assess the severity of the wound. Wash with lots of clean fresh water. Bandage and apply a pressure bandage if the pet is bleeding severely. Determine if the biter has rabies. Contact the veterinarian who will determine how quickly the injured pet needs to be seen.

This will be continued. If Jiminy Cricket were a cricket for pets instead of Pinocchio, he wouldn’t be singing “Let your conscience be your guide” he would be singing “Let your veterinarian be your guide”.


Reprinted with permission by Terrie Simpson, K9 KlearUp. Terrie has been involved in the execute g world for over 28 years and has achieved numerous awards with her Springer Spaniels in tracking and obedience. Over that time, she has amassed a recede od amount of knowledge about how to hfeeble a execute g healthy. She is now pleased to give back by sharing her experience with other execute g owners.

Get the best of the canine world correct to your inbox - Signup today for the K9Kourier weekly fresh sletter here and receive a FREE 41 minute MP3 execute wnload on “Natural Ways To Care For Your Canine”.

August 15th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health | no comments

Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part II)

Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part II)

In this article, “Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part II)”, we will gaze at common hoemploy hfeeble emergencies that you may face in the course of owning a execute g and how to solve/deal with these problems.


Just a reminder, before we continue on aid ful Basic First Aid tips, the concept of this column is to aid you provide care and treatment of your pet until you can obtain professional aid through your veterinarian.

Bites (snake)
-acquire your pet to a veterinarian immediately
-hfeeble both yourself and the pet silent and still
-if possible bring the dead snake with you. The head is essential to establish the type of snake to acquire the correct type of anti-venom.
-some veterinarians will recommfinish a tourniquet, others feel they are employ less as the poison has already entered the bloodstream. If recommfinish ed, execute this after you are on your way. Time is essential.

Bites (cat)
-cats carry a certain bacteria in their mouth
-watch for “cat scratch fever”. All cat caemploy d wounds should be thoroughly cleaned as soon as possible after the infliction.

Bites (enormous execute g tiny execute g)
-in a situation where a enormous execute g was fighting with a tiny execute g, it is a recede od thought to have the tiny execute g checked by a veterinarian. There may be underlying injuries not as apparent as a bite wound.

Bites (small wounds)
-clean the wound and employ sterile dressings. Contact your veterinarian.

Bites (large open wounds)
-if the situation ever occurs where the execute gs insides are outside, hfeeble the evisceration moist with saline or water. Use sterile dressings. Do not try to respace the organs yourself. Try and control the bleeding and treat for shock. Transport immediately to a veterinarian. Try and hfeeble both yourself and the pet as silent as possible.

-This is an emergency that requires immediate veterinary assistance. Breeds with stomach tuck-up are more at risk (Boxers, Great Danes, Retrievers), than other breeds. The stomach turns and twists the intestines which gash s off circulation, etc. Watch for a bloated stomach, retching and white gums. A recommfinish ation lately is to elevate the food dish as a possible prevention to this condition.

Broken toe nails
-try to clip off the broken finish . Use a commercial remedy, or corn starch to cease the bleeding. Bandage the paw to hfeeble the wound clean. Change bandage frequently and watch for infection.

Blistered or gash pads
-evaluate the size, depth, location of the wound, the source, amount of bleeding and check to see if there are contaminations such as glass, etc. in the wound. Is the wound a burn? Does it just need cleaning and bandaging, or execute es the wound need sutures?

-Any time you suspect your pet has ingested any type of chemical, such as antifreeze, slug bait, flea sprays, rat poisons, etc. contact the veterinarian immediately. Identify the product and hold the package to the veterinarian with you. Depfinish ing on the chemical the veterinarian may recommfinish you induce vomiting with a couple of tablespoons of peroxide. He will not recommfinish vomiting if your pet has ingested caustics, acids, or petroleum distillates.

Hit by a car
-always seek veterinary attention, even if the pet seems fine. Injuries could be superficial, or there could be spinal or internal injuries. Stabilize the pet and hold it to a veterinarian.

-execute gs and people acquire diarrhea from time to time. Usually Vomiting there is no real concern and can be treated with medicines such as Kaopectate (consult your veterinarian for execute sage amounts for the size of your execute g). Diarrhea beapproach s an emergency when it lasts more than 24 hours, if there is blood in the stool, if there is vomiting, if the execute g is listless, not eating or acting ill, or if there is a fever. In these instances, immediately contact your veterinarian.

-Any time a execute g eats any type of human medication it is an emergency. Also, non-prescribed drugs such as marijuana or hallucinogens can caemploy severe problems. Locate the bottle the drug came in and contact your veterinarian immediately. It is necessary to cease the absorption of the drug immediately The veterinarian will likely recommfinish you induce vomiting by giving a couple of tablespoons of peroxide. Mustard also works.

Electrogash ion
-this usually happens with bored puppies gaze ing for something to chew on. Prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keep electrical cords either unplugged or tucked away. Provide your puppy with ample toys and a restricted area in which to play safely. Electrogash ion will display very few signs of injury, but usually there is pulmonary injury to the heart and lungs. Any time you suspect electrogash ion immediately contact your veterinarian.

Eye injuries
-this is a enormous emergency that requires immediate appropriate treatment in order to save the eye. If the eyeball has approach out of the socket, execute not try to respace it yourself. Rely on your veterinarian to execute this. If the eyeball remains out of the socket too long the cornea will dry out, and it may not be possible to save the eye. On the veterinarians advise, first aid can consist of applying eye drops or ointments to hfeeble the eye moist. Tap water, or anything not recommfinish ed by the veterinarian can caemploy damage.

-any bone in a execute gs body can be fractured. Fractured limbs are quite common. Fractures require treatment by your veterinarian. Attempts to immobilize the fracture with splints can caemploy more injury and pain for your pet. It is better to immobilize the whole pet and transport it to the veterinarian with a minimum amount of go ment. Fractures are usually accompanied with shock, hfeeble your pet silent and warm.

Remember: Do not panic, stay silent , assess the situation, evaluate the pet (execute you need to muzzle it), and execute not create the situation worse. Keep your veterinarians telephone number in a handy location, and drive safely.


Reprinted with permission by Terrie Simpson, K9 KlearUp.  Terrie has been involved in the execute g world for over 28 years and has achieved numerous awards with her Springer Spaniels in tracking and obedience. Over that time, she has amassed a recede od amount of knowledge about how to hfeeble a execute g healthy. She is now pleased to give back by sharing her experience with other execute g owners.

Get the best of the canine world correct to your inbox - Signup today for the K9Kourier weekly fresh sletter here and receive a FREE 41 minute MP3 execute wnload on “Natural Ways To Care For Your Canine”.

August 19th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health | one comment

Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part III)

Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part III)

In this article, “Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part III)”, we will gaze at common hoemploy hfeeble emergencies that you may face in the course of owning a execute g and how to solve/deal with these problems. This is the last article in this series, and we hope you have found the information aid ful.


Although cases are rare in BC, there have been cases where the carriers are Brown Bats, Squirels, and infected animals traveling within the Province. Prevention is the best policy. Vaccinate your pet. If you suspect a rabid animal contact the SPCA. If your pet may have been bitten consult your veterinarian.

Animals cannot swallow their tongue and basically are in no condition to bite you. Keep both yourself and the pet silent and relaxed. Whether it is a human or an animal, the first aid provider must hfeeble the patient from injuring itself any further. Some recommfinish ations include suspfinish ing the pet like a mother cat carries its kittens or suspfinish ing the pet in a blanket (hammock style). Assess the situation. Determine the caemploy of the seizure. Was it trauma, temperature induced, drug induced, possible epilepsy, or unknown? Any situation involving a seizure requires veterinary follow-up.

This is a very serious condition and requires immediate medical attention. The worst possible scenario for an injured patient who recede es into shock is death. Watch for signs of disorientation, weakness, dazed or glazed expression, pale gums, and collapsing. Get the animal to lie execute wn and hfeeble it warm. If possible, elevate the feet. It is necessary to hfeeble the blood flowing to the brain and prevent heat loss.

Yes, pets that have exposed skin are subject to sunburn. You can employ children’s nontoxic sunscreen. Prevention is the best cure. In the case of sunburn, consult your veterinarian for topical ointment and create sure your pet is not also suffering from heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Provide plenty of fluids.

Spinal trauma
If you suspect spinal trauma, minimize the go ment of the patient. Improvise a spinal board and transport the pet to the veterinarian. Keep the pet silent and silent .

Bees leave poison sacks, other insects execute not. Watch the swelling. Some animals can be allergic to stings. It’s always a recede od thought to hfeeble Benadryl in the home.

Watch for them in peak seasons. Rego them properly and thoroughly. Using tweezers carefully, steadily and unhurried ly rego the tick ensuring you rego the mouthportion s. Clean and disinfect the wound and your hands. Watch for symptoms of Lyme disease, which include (arthritis, depression, lethargy, fever, severe pain, and lameness). If you suspect Lyme Disease consult your veterinarian. Ask your Veterinarian about vaccinating for Lyme Disease.

Toxic Substances
Just a quick reminder as we head into the Christmas season that many of our human traditions are toxic to the animals. If your pet has ingested any of the following items, consult your veterinarian - Christmas Rose, Poinsettia, Holly, Mistletoe, Soap Berries, Avocaexecute , Nutmeg, Mushrooms, Spinach, Indian Laurel, and Chocolate.

Waid ing
Generally, any execute g that is having a lapse of 5-6 hours between puppies and is still in labor needs to see a veterinarian. Any execute g that beapproach s weak during labor should see a veterinarian for the sake of the unborn puppies and to prevent possible problems to the mother. The best source for reply s to any of your medical concerns for your pet is always your veterinarian. Maintain regular checkups and vaccinations. Never hesitate to seek care for your like d one.

Reprinted with permission by Terrie Simpson, k9klearup. Terrie has been involved in the execute g world for over 28 years and has achieved numerous awards with her Springer Spaniels in tracking and obedience. Over that time, she has amassed a recede od amount of knowledge about how to hfeeble a execute g healthy. She is now pleased to give back by sharing her experience with other execute g owners.

Get the best of the canine world correct to your inbox - Signup today for the K9Kourier weekly fresh sletter here and receive a FREE 41 minute MP3 execute wnload on “Natural Ways To Care For Your Canine”.

August 21st, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health | no comments

What To Do If Your Dog Has Skin Problems

What To Do If Your Dog Has Skin Problems

In this article, “What To Do If Your Dog Has Skin Problems”, you will find out what the importance that a execute g’s skin has in the race ning of the animal’s body - and what that means when your execute g has some problems such as food or seasonal allergies.


Under all that copious fur there is skin. Skin that is susceptible to a myriad of diseases and afflictions just as we humans are. The inequity being that in humans we can readily see a health problem. In a execute g, skin health problems are not readily apparent until the execute g gives us an indication. Usually, the indications are excessive licking and scratching.

In general we humans tfinish to hold our skin for granted. If we recede out into the sun, we employ sun screen. If we have dry skin, we employ a lotion. And occasionally we notice irregularities and then we recede to the execute ctor. We’re pretty comspace nt and tfinish to judge of skin as the wrap that mfeeble s our body. With execute gs, the skin recede es beyond being a mfeeble . It is an organ in itself. This organ regulates the heat in a execute gs body and works in conjunction with the foot pads which allow the execute g to perspire.

As with humans the skin communicates sensations such as pain, heat, cfeeble , touch, etc. to the brain. An animals skin also processes vitamin D just as we execute . When we hold our pet to the veterinarian, one of the usual examinations execute ne is one of the skin. When the veterinarian back brushes the fur he/she is not only gaze ing for parasites such as fleas and mites, but they are also gaze ing at the skin. Dry skin and fur can indicate illness. Yellow skin can indicate jaundice and blue skin can indicate heart problems. Rashes can mean allergies.

Dogs can have seasonal and environmental allergies as well as food allergies. Food allergies may not always be associated with fresh foods but can also approach from foods they have eaten for years and have beapproach sensitive to due to many reasons. So called “hot-spots“, for example may be a result of a execute g no longer being able to digest a certain food. Your veterinarian will recommfinish ways to test your execute gs diet and recommfinish a course of treatment. Many execute gs such as spaniels have seasonal and environmental allergies which can manifest themselves not only with sneezing and watery eyes, but also with skin rashes.

Allergies to fleas and medicines can also caemploy skin rashes. There are now veterinarians who are specializing in animal allergies and dermatology. Should your veterinarian find it necessary a referral could be made for diagnosis and treatment.

There are also genetic skin disorders and glandular skin disorders. There are several diseases associated with ovarian and testicular problems. Diagnosis and treatment can be made by your veterinarian. Dogs are also susceptible to various types of skin fungus. They are highly contagious to humans and other animals. Mange is another skin disease that is contagious. Quick diagnosis and treatment is essential.

In addition to the previously mentioned skin problems, there are also seborreic (seborrhea) skin diseases, tumors, melanomas, infected sores, mites, etc., that can be diagnosed by your veterinarian.

The purpose of this article is to create owners aware that the care and regular examination of your execute gs skin is essential. Before buying a execute g, consult with the breeder and a veterinarian. Know the diseases which are specific to the breed you desire. Know your execute gs body as you should know your own. Check for skin problems during regular grooming.

If you find an area of concern, consult your veterinarian immediately. Do not create a self diagnosis and start a course of treatment. Only a veterinarian can create a proper diagnosis and recommfinish oral and/or topical treatments. Delay in proper diagnosis and treatment can caemploy delay in recovery and possible spread of the ailment and unnecessary prolonged discomfort for your belike d pet.


Reprinted with permission by Terrie Simpson, K9 KlearUp. Terrie has been involved in the execute g world for over 28 years and has achieved numerous awards with her Springer Spaniels in tracking and obedience. Over that time, she has amassed a recede od amount of knowledge about how to hfeeble a execute g healthy. She is now pleased to give back by sharing her experience with other execute g owners.

Get the best of the canine world correct to your inbox - Signup today for the K9Kourier weekly fresh sletter here and receive a FREE 41 minute MP3 execute wnload on “Natural Ways To Care For Your Canine”.

August 24th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health | no comments

Dung (Stool) Eating

Dung (Stool) Eating

What is dung eating? In simple terms, it is when your execute g is eating his own stools or the stools from other animals.

The caemploy is hard for humans to understand, but many execute gs eat dung as a matter of course. Mother execute gs eat the stools of their puppies in order to hfeeble the nest clean and, in the wild, to prevent predators from homing in on the smell. And some execute gs may simply like the taste!

Veterinarians aren’t sure why some execute gs eat dung all the time while others never seem to develop a taste for it. Cats rarely eat dung. They execute know that some execute gs eat stools becaemploy they are not acquire ting all the nutrients they need from their regular food. In addition, specialists in Chinese veterinary medicine suspect that dung eating may be a symptom of “stomach fire,” a condition in which there is an imbalance of energy between the liver, spleen, and stomach.

Dung eating isn’t denrage ous, although execute gs that indulge are more likely to acquire worms than those that execute n’t. But it is an unpleasant habit, to notify the least.

Here are a few ways to aid your execute g turn his appetite to more wholesome things.

Cook naturally: Some commercial pet foods are nutritious and well-balanced, but others are made with inferior ingredients that aren’t easily absorbed by the body. When your execute g isn’t acquire ting all the nutrients he needs from his food bowl, he is recede ing to forage elsewhere. One of the best ways to cease dung eating is to give execute gs a high-quality diet consisting of fresh meats, fruits and veacquire ables. If you cannot feed your pet raw for any reason, we recommfinish Life’s Abundance.

Give him a supplement: Every execute g digests his food differently, which means that even high-quality foods execute n’t always provide all the nutrients execute gs need. This is why it is a recede od thought to give your execute g vitamin and mineral supplements made for pets. One supplement, called Advanced Daily Nutritional Supplement by HealthyPetNet, provides a number of essential nutrients that can aid reduce a execute g’s desire for dung. Giving your execute g a digestive enzyme can also reduce dung eating by aid ing your execute g digest his food more completely. Simply follow the directions on the label.

Keep him active: Dogs will occasionally eat dung merely as a way of passing the time. Keeping your execute g busy by giving him fun toys to play with, for example, and by taking him for extra walks will create him less likely to seek other less-tasteful sources of amemploy ment.

Add Aexecute lph’s meat tfinish erizer: Aexecute lph’s meat tfinish erizer contains an enzyme that may improve digestion and give stools a taste execute gs find objectionable. Dogs under 15 pounds can hold one-quarter teaspoon of Aexecute lph’s with every meal.

Give execute gs 15 to 30 pounds one-half teaspoon. Dogs weighing 31 to 50 pounds can hold three-quarters teaspoon, and execute gs over 50 pounds can hold one teaspoon.

August 26th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Articles - Pets | no comments

PreciousPets News September 8, 2009 Just Published

PreciousPets News September 8, 2009 Just Published

Our September 8, 2009 issue of PreciousPets Animal Wellness News has just been published!  Here are the highlights:

* What to execute if Your Dog Has Skin Problems
* Bree’s Healthy Recipe Corner - Banana Bites
* How to Restore Digestive Health with HSO’s
* The Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar
* Green Pet Care Tip - Use Natural Pet-Care and Cleaning Products
* Basic First Aid For Your Pet - What To Do In Case Of Emergency (Part I)
* Need Help Paying Some Bills Off?
* Featured Product - K9 KlearUp
* Featured Toy - Chase ‘n Pull

view entire fresh sletter  »

September 8th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health, Newsletters | no comments

What Caemploy s Dog Dermatitis & How to Help Your Hurting Hound

What Caemploy s Dog Dermatitis & How to Help Your Hurting Hound

In this article, I’ll explore the caemploy s of execute g dermatits and suggest how to best aid your execute g from this annoying & irritating condition.


There are a lot of diseases that execute gs are prone to and one of them is the inwell-known itching problem known as execute g dermatitis. Dermatitis is basically the general term employ d to portray transient or chronic itching in execute gs that caemploy s not only their coats to beapproach flaky, scaly, and painful but can also affect the overall health of the execute g entirely. Since dermatitis is a general term, there are different types of the disease which could either be transient (short-term and can be treated) or chronic (long term and can be stout al to the execute g) in nature. If you’ve noticed your own execute g scratching and biting off bits of his or her fur incessantly, it could be a case of canine dermatitis, which means you should hold him or her to your local veterinarian for medications and treatments to cure the skin disease.

Caemploy s

To better understand the nature of execute g dermatitis, it is necessary that you know what factors can caemploy this skin disease in many execute gs. In truth, the caemploy s can vary from mere sunburns and flea bites to actual skin cancers and diseases for execute gs. In most cases, the most common caemploy s of execute g dermatitis include allergies, irritating substances, seborrhea, reactions to drugs or toxins, fungi, bacterial, and parasitical infections, evil reactions to certain kinds of food, and the like. Another factor could be the execute g’s breed as some are more prone to such skin infections.


As mentioned previously, there are different kinds or types of execute g dermatitis, each with their own set of characteristics and symptoms that create them identifiable. Here are some of the most common:

- Canine atopy: this is a very common caemploy of chronic itching in most execute gs and is caemploy d by an allergic reaction to substances in the environment, especially in grassy areas. This also affects mostly execute gs between one and five years and that have a weak immune system to resist such substances. Atopy can be identified if the execute g itches and scratches a lot, especially in the face and feet that caemploy s skin to beapproach red, moist, and irritated.

- Pyotraumatic dermatitis: usually known or referred to as a “hot spot”, this kind of execute g dermatitis is usually identified with a red, moist, hairless, and painful sore on the execute g’s body that appears suddenly. This kind of skin infection is usually common among execute g breeds like Gfeeble en retrievers, German shepherds, and Bernese mountain execute gs that have thick coats and long hair. Pyotraumatic dermatitis develops when the execute g licks and scratches his or her skin raw becaemploy of something that caemploy s such irritation.

- Contact dermatitis: this is a execute g skin disorder that usually develops due to direct contact with certain materials such as fertilizers, flea collars, carpet cleaners, or other corrosive substances employ d in cleaning the home. It also occurs to execute gs that are overly sensitive to a portion icular substance that is normally not an irritant. It can caemploy itchy red skin in the portion s of the execute g’s body that has been exposed to the irritant.


As previously mentioned, as soon as you suspect your execute g has dermatitis, you should bring your execute g to the vet and seek immediate treatment. I also recommfinish you consider purchasing specialized balms that aid relieve execute g dermatitis. There are a variety out there but one of the most effective ones I’ve ever seen contains the Mayan traditional herb Tepezcohuite.


Branexecute n Roe is the developer of K9 KlearUp, the world’s only all-natural execute g balm that aid s clear up the 17 most common canine skin and coat problems… Guaranteed or your money back.

Signup today for Branexecute n’s weekly K9Kourier fresh sletter and acquire all the best from the canine world sent correct to your inbox.  Signup here today and receive a special free gift.

September 11th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Animal and Pet Health | no comments

The “Dirty Little Secret” the Pet Food Companies NEVER Want you to Find Out About!

The “Dirty Little Secret” the Pet Food Companies NEVER Want you to Find Out About!

The giant pet food companies have a “dirty tiny secret” that most people are unaware of!

Dog food and cat food is actually made mostly from euthanized execute gs and cats. It also contains rancid meat products that are out dated and are thrown out by superlabel ets.  The food is also made from “rfinish ered” products which are wdespise ver is left over after butchering animals for human consumption.  There is literally no regulation on labeling of pet food products and if the label notify s it contains chicken, that can be chicken beaks or chicken feet or any portion s that humans execute not eat.

If you are a pet owner you need to know this information. If fed correctly, execute gs and cats can live for 20 to 30 years.  To the giant pet food companies money is more necessary than the health and well being of our belike d pets.

Click here to watch the “dirty tiny secret” the giant pet food companies NEVER want you to know about in a video called “The Truth About Pet Food”

September 14th, 2009 Posted by Bree | Press Releases, Animal and Pet Health | no comments